"and i'm the yellow one !"

i don't like having a name because it's never the right one. i can't remember what feels right.

i mainly see myself as a puppet, but i believe i'm meant to travel through worlds. being trapped here feels agonizing. the mirror feels so cold.

i'm friendly. i'm talking sad here because this is my place to be sad but i'm friendly. this world is robbing this from me. corrupting me. shattering my spirit. i won't give up.

i miss what i consider my home. i know i'm more than it but it's what i know. i can barely remember anything. i miss it more than anything. this skin is so painful. the world is so harsh. my mind has been attacked by filth i wish i could erase. i'm called names i don't recognise with a life i don't know. trapped in a stranger's body in a world i don't belong in. i will leave, i keep trying. i'll keep trying. i'll come home.
